Harrogate, HG3 1SA
15,833 sq ft
To Let / For Sale
Price: Price on application
Rent: Rent on application
Harrogate, HG3 1SA
2,253 to 18,350 sq ft
To Let / For Sale
Price: Price on application
Rent: Rent on application
Harrogate, HG3 1SA
18,350 to 41,407 sq ft
Offices / Industrial
To Let / For Sale
Price: Price on application
Rent: Rent on application
Leeds, LS3 1LY
1,582 sq ft
Leisure / Retail
To Let
Rent: £20,000 per annum
Harrogate, HG2 8PB
3,050 sq ft
For Sale
Price: Offers in the region of £675,000
Leeds, LS1 3AL
2,366 to 4,842 sq ft
To Let
Rent: Rent on application
Leeds, LS2 7BL
705 sq ft
To Let
Rent: £22.50 per sq ft